Milenialsi i emerytura

“When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant, I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.”  Mark Twain I should know something about millennials. I have four of […]

Wiek najwyższych osiągnięć

Nature. Contemplation.

It is fair to say, that coming to my age, most of the people look back and contemplate what was the highest achievement of their life, what was they being most proud of.  Was it a professional career? Family live? Athletic accomplishments? Maybe a significant discovery? Or social connections?  And was it a one-time event […]

"Paradoks wyboru" na TED jest przykładem tego, jak kontrolować swój umysł.


A few days ago, Chris sent me a link to Barry Schwartz’s lecture on TED…”Take a look, very provocative” he said.  And it was. The speaker was talking about the negative effects of too many choices on human life.  Too many choices increase paralysis and decrease satisfaction.  Having too many choices contributes to depression.  The […]