Readers Appreciation Party, The Pictorial
Ten post jest kontynuacją tego opublikowanego w zeszłym tygodniu. Moja córka Megan Jurik zrobiła zdjęcia, a ja i Bonnie wybraliśmy je i osadziliśmy. Obiecałam, że spotkamy się ponownie z okazji wydania drugiej książki z sagi rodziny Murano. The Resurrections, The Man and His Dog będzie gotowa przed Bożym Narodzeniem.
Impreza dla czytelników okazała się wielkim sukcesem
Pals Forever is the first book in my trilogy about the life of Dr. Murano. First big chapter in the Murano family saga. And it deserved a proper send out into the real world of readers. I thought we’ve accomplished our goal last Friday. I named the book launch event a Readers Appreciation Party, and […]
Dwadzieścia rzeczy do zrobienia po trzydziestce, aby być szczęśliwym ojcem do końca życia.
“When a father gives to his son, both laugh; when a son gives to his father, both cry.” Anonymous “My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, ‘You’re tearing up the grass.’ ‘We’re not raising grass,’ Dad would reply. ‘We’re raising boys’.” Harmon Killebrew […]
Cud ludzkiego mózgu
A human brain is the most complicated object in the Universe. If we compare the heart to a pump, skeleton to framing, digestive tract to a chemical factory, a human brain is a sophisticated computer. It’s so advanced, we don’t know how does it work. We don’t even know how to investigate this creator of […]
Mentorzy, czyli jak zajść dalej w życiu
Early morning on any beach is a magic time. But the Caribbean beaches are special. The best I’ve ever seen are in the Turks and Caicos. Their sand is as white as snow. Fine Carrara marble powder. Not even a speckle of dirt. It is so fine, you feel like walking on foam. And the […]
Wiemy bardzo niewiele o naszych mózgach.
The human brain is a marvelous creation. The function of our brains fascinates me. But the more I study, the longer I live, fuller I realize how little we know. And this pertains not only to us, but even more to the professionals. How is the memory stored? Short-term memory? Long-term? When you read the […]
Starzenie się
Starzenie się to podnoszenie się z ziemi, dostrzeganie mniejszej liczby szczegółów, ale lepszy przegląd sytuacji. Kiedy człowiek wznosi się w górę, nagle zdaje sobie sprawę, że jest spokojny. Wysoko w przestrzeni nie ma hałasu, jest cicho, a powietrze jest czystsze. Widzisz tylko ważne rzeczy.
The choice seemed perfect. I read James Michener’s Hawaii while on vacations on Kauai and his Poland––knowing history of this country well. Reading Camus’ masterpiece now, when coronavirus is raging, lets me the current events with a different acuity. I don’t plan to relate the story in more detail. Enough to say, it’s about the […]
Słowo o łamigłówkach
Recently a friend of mine wrote his first blog. We started our conversations in jacuzzi in our fitness club. They were as quirky as unusual was our meeting place. The noise in hot tub limits parts of conversations. But you know from the beginning what some people are born writers. For me, conditio sine […]