Duchowość, druga strona ludzkiego życia

Peter Attia’s Outlive is for me a personal manual to the human body. But there is another aspect of being alive. And is far more fascinating. I got interested in Wayne Dyer’s writings in the 90′, in the second trimester of my life. I had a busy cardiac surgical practice, often operating at night, on […]

Jak mierzyć postęp fizyczny w latach 80.

Female bare feet standing with a scales.

If you can’t measure, you can’t manage People still argue, who said it If you have a goal, and commit a significant portion of your energy and time to getting healthy, you have to see the results of your efforts. You have to be able to measure them. And the yardsticks and the methods of […]

Jak utrzymać pozycję pionową po osiemdziesiątce

senior athletes synchronous exercising on step platforms at gym

In mens sana corpore sano W zdrowym ciele zdrowy duch A healthy mind in a healthy body The Romans knew. Peter Attia calls it the Centenarian Decathlon. I call it long-term planning and persistence. You have to know where to go and how to get there. That’s what I want to do in my ninth […]

Emocjonalne cele, aby być sprawnym w wieku 80 lat

Little boy with his grandfather reading a book in a field at summer

Here are my emotional goals: *By that age, I have to know my strengths and my weaknesses. *I have to be able to listen when the others want just that. *I have to be able to take, not to shift the blame. *I need to be strong in my difficult moments, and to console others […]

Jak być sprawnym w wieku 80 lat

Cropped image of a male hiker climbing mountains

When I think of a fit person at 80, I don’t see a muscular old man with a perfect white beard, showing his biceps and six-pack, boasting 5 percent body fat. No, these people are often gym rats, using all the pharmacological help to achieve the look, still for many the object of envy. To […]

Etapy życia i jak żyć, aby dotrzeć do ostatniego .

The cycle of life represented with matches changing through time precious time & clock on top

This year, I am starting my ninth decade of life. And I am proud of each of them. More often than not, people in my age look back on their lives. It’s nothing new. Solon, a Greek lawgiver, and a philosopher, (they all were), divided life into ten seven-years cycles. The last one, between 63 […]

Opieka zdrowotna: Karmienie głodnego giganta

The complexity of our health care delivery system is at the root of the problem. The chain of care starts with a patient, as it should. It ends with the government devising the policies and providing the funding for the delivery of medical services. Or maybe it’s the other way around? The health care bill […]

Dlaczego wskaźnik samobójstw wśród lekarzy jest tak wysoki?

It all starts with the length and the intensity of the medical training. After college, there are years of training in the primary specialty, and more if one wants to subspecialize. In my case, there were 5 years of general surgery, and 2 years of cardiovascular subspecialty. All that after I’ve already completed a full […]