Kate’s Wedding

Witold Niesluchowski
A father's worst nightmare for his daughter's wedding day comes true.
"Very suspenseful.
- TOM D.
Dr. Jack Murano waited for that day ever since Kate was a little girl. In his mind, he rehearsed the wedding ceremony many times. He visualized the sequence of him walking her down the aisle, handing her to a future husband, and dancing the father-daughter dance. Long before the wedding, he even found the song for their dance. The perfect song.
Life went by, and Kate became estranged from her father. When Murano thought he will never see her again, Kate sent him a message that her wedding was coming, and she wanted him to walk her down the aisle. For Murano, it was a dream chance to resurrect their relationship.
But then, during the excitement of sending his daughter out to the world, his old demons took over the elated father, and the wedding ended up in a disaster.
Coming back home, Jack Murano felt he lost his daughter for the second time. This time forever.