Why the Nobel Prize in literature should not be awarded

The Nobel Prizes in literature have been awarded to Polish writers many times. 1905 Henryk Sienkiewicz 1924 Władysław Stanisław Reymont 1978 Isaac Bashevis Singer (born in Poland, wrote of Polish – Jewish cultural tradition, in Yiddish) 1980 Czesław Miłosz 1996 Wisława Szymborska. Therefore I should be, and I am, appreciative of […]
Reading of Anna Karenina and my thoughts thereafter

Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Lev Tolstoy, beginning of Anna Karenina One of my biggest passions is reading. Ever since quitting medical practice, my schedule is more flexible, and I can allocate more time to it. I love to hold a real book in my hand, […]