Mongrel dogs have the best of their progenitors

Mongrel. What’s an awful name for a dog. A dog not belonging to any recognizable tribe of dogs. A product of an accident. Incidental dog. Oops-dog. Dog-pariah. My dog-loving nature shakes with horror. I go to a local bakery often and frequently ask for a bagel. The one I like the most is “everything bagel.” […]
The life with Bentley, my writing companion

For many people, and I certainly know for me, dogs are a big, irreplaceable part of their lives. I didn’t grow up with dogs, but now I can’t imagine my life without my furry friend. But with their short life-span, dogs rarely outlive their owners. So, more often than not, the people grieve these precious members […]
Forty-five years of cardiac surgery

In my gym, I meet the best people, and have the most interesting conversations, in the jacuzzi. It’s located in a corner of the large pool area and surrounded by a huge bay window extension. The sun is abundant, the water seems tropical, and, if I would drink, I would only ask for little drinks […]
What soccer and opera have in common

The year was 1994 and America was getting ready to host the FIFA World Soccer Cup. The United States Soccer Federation tried hard to popularize the sport, which dominates the rest of the world. The professional broadcasters wanted to use complicated statistics to enhance the appeal to the fans. Percentages, ratios, and indexes, the same […]
Book writing and the embryology of a novel

Why do I write You are an aspiring writer. The idea for this book grew in your mind. You know what to write, but still, don’t know how to write. Yellow legal pad and pencil (which number?), pen? Word processor? Google? Word? Scrivener? You start typing and discover new problems: how to correct? How to […]
Drama on the Dancing Floor

The life story of Dr. Jack Murano goes on. Fathers and Sons After years of estrangement, his daughter asked Jack to walk her down the aisle during her wedding with Nick. He sees it as an honor and a great chance for reconciliation with Kate. She sees it as an opportunity for her father, whose drinking […]
Book launch; The Resurrections, Man and His Dog

Imagine; Image yourself starting a new career after the retirement. From scratch. Tabula rasa. In a different country. Using the language you were not born into. With the help of technology developed after you decided to end your lifelong calling. There are many components to becoming a writer. The first prerequisite is to have something […]
Why Doctors Commit Suicides

This had happened at the end of one of my surgical boards’ exams, quite a long time ago. The day was long and we were all exhausted. We were also anxious to know if we passed. Years of studies, sacrifices and high expectations finally came to the end. We were about to become board certified. […]
The evolution of the book cover

A few weeks ago, I was ready to push the button and publish “The Resurrections.” My biggest work so far. The front cover was done, and I’ve sent the text for final proofreading. Then I saw an iconic photo of Mugu Rock by Eric Zumstein. Breathtaking. After reading my novel, the reader will appreciate how important to the […]