Drama in the Operating Theater

This is the first book after redesigning my writing career. I am almost ready to hit this ‘Publish’ button, but not yet. Before doing it, I want to let my readers know that the book is coming, create some buzz, and then send the story to the world. First, here’s the book cover. I love […]
My Father and Growing up in a Communist Poland

My father was an honorable and a decent man. I still remember the first advice he gave me. “Don’t lie,” he said. “It’s so much easier to live your life when you don’t have to remember each version of the story you told different people.” He was honest to a fault. Never tried to manipulate […]
What’s New in My Writing in 2022? Witoldniesluchowski.com 2.0

The time goes on. Here’s my blog from January of this year. https://witoldniesluchowski.com/my-writing-in-the-new-year-2022/ I saw 2021 as the best year of my writing, so far. Moreover, I expected 2022 to be even better. And I am not disappointed. Since deciding to become an author close to ten years ago, I have written and published three […]
There’s No Writer’s Block. Let’s End this Years’ Long Controversy.

Bentley and I I sit in front of the computer, thinking. For quite a while, my fingers didn’t touch the keyboard. My mind is outside the room, which I’ve arranged so carefully to avoid any distraction. I shut the blinds to separate myself from the outside world. Bentley, my dog, and a writing companion, sits […]
Miracle of the Human Brain

A human brain is the most complicated object in the Universe. If we compare the heart to a pump, skeleton to framing, digestive tract to a chemical factory, a human brain is a sophisticated computer. It’s so advanced, we don’t know how does it work. We don’t even know how to investigate this creator of […]
Miracle of the Beating Human Heart

I remember how I felt seeing an exposed human heart for the first time. I was assisting my mentor with the coronary bypass surgery. After he split the breastbone, and incised the thick layer of the sack enveloping the heart, I saw a slowly contracting glob of muscle. No bigger than a human fist, spirally […]
How I Started My Writing Adventure

Let me tell you a story. Just imagine… Imagine yourself walking in an upscale suburban neighborhood. It’s a late evening. Through the bay window, you can see a well-lit but otherwise darkly furnished room. It looks like an old English library. There is a late-middle-age man sitting in a partially unfolded recliner with his elbows […]
My Writing in the New Year 2022

Happy 2022 to all. Despite all the surrounding defeatism, I greet 2022 with an unwavering optimism. At my age, I greatly appreciate each of them, and I’m ready to enjoy every one to the fullest. Each one is like a new baby––from the time it comes, you’re convinced it’s going to be the best. Then […]
Mentors or How to Get Further in Life

Early morning on any beach is a magic time. But the Caribbean beaches are special. The best I’ve ever seen are in the Turks and Caicos. Their sand is as white as snow. Fine Carrara marble powder. Not even a speckle of dirt. It is so fine, you feel like walking on foam. And the […]