A difference Between a Science and an Art

After I thought for a while, it made sense. If you can’t replicate the work and get the same outcome, then it’s not science. If you can replicate the work and get the same outcome, it’s not art. Seth Godin

Where Is The Memory Stored?

Concept of problems with memory, amnesia disease

In my previous post, I mentioned Paulo Coelho in By the River I Sat Down and Wept. The story was read by some as borrowed from the Hundredth monkey effect, originally described in the 1950s, and developed into a theory by Lyall Watson in the 1970s. It made a point that if an idea reaches […]

By the River Piedra I Sat Down And Wept

By Paulo Coelho I read this passage some years ago. But recently, it brought to me an entirely different meaning. I am learning about the function of the human brain, and the phenomenon of memory fascinates me. Please read, and I will return to my crazy idea in the next post. “A scientist who studied […]

Addendum to My Previous Post

Just read the article: “Dating coach claims you can still flirt with your eyes while wearing a mask.” So, what do I know.

All About Masks

I put my first mask on some sixty years ago. In my Medical School during cadaver dissection in anatomy class, the stench was difficult to tolerate. The mask was a status symbol then, and put me in the circle of health professionals. Later, during long open-heart surgery cases, it seemed to me that I spent […]

Sneak Preview of My New book, “Pals Forever”

How do you raise the son, when your father is in prison for murder? Do you even want to have a son? Crime is committed in the operating room, and they blame the surgeon for it. Fatherhood is the most challenging job, and also the most rewarding. Watercolor by Kathy Flood


Marriage is not 50 – 50. Divorce is 50-50. Marriage is 100 – 100. Overheard

Laborer – Craftsman – Artist

He who works with his hands is a laborer. He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman. He who works with his hands, his head, and his heart, is an artist. St. Francis of Assisi

Life Lessons

The pessimist complains of the wind; The optimist expects it to change; The realist adjusts the sails. William Arthur Ward