A Big Announcement. Obwieszczenie

Z niesłychaną dumą zawiadamiam moich przyjaciół i czytelników, że moja strona internetowa witoldniesluchowski.com jest teraz do czytania w języku polskim. Blogi będą przetłumaczone w następnej kolejności. To my friends and readers: My website witoldniesluchowski.com is now available in Polish version. Blogs will be translated later.
We Should Eulogize People Before a Person Dies

There was a time during my tenure as a Chief of Staff when quite a few of our doctors died. Attending the funerals wasn’t that uncommon, but that time seemed like more than usual. I attended most of them, not ex officio, but because they were my friends. The ceremonies differed in the religion, style, […]
Why the Poles are So Sensitive about World War II

The Poles lived through hell. WW ll started in our country. The hordes of invaders rolled over our land back and forth many times. Comparing them to the brutality of Genghis Khan’s wild tribes would insult Mongolian animals. The inhuman 20th-century ideology was added with sophisticated methods of killing and disposing of the dead bodies. […]
Dark times, Coming Home

Those were the dreadful times. They were trying times. Polish people were put in the positions, where there were no viable solutions. Any bad choice, and you end up with a bullet in your head. Yet, people helped each other. Unspeakable danger quite often brings up the worst in people. But also brought up the […]
Dark times, Trip to Auschwitz

There were the worst of times for my family, my country and the world. Two terrible powers, on their insane way to dominate, crushed everything and everybody that was on the way to oppose their vision of the world. Poland, for millennia, was squeezed between bad and worse, between two shades of evil. Suddenly, our […]
Writer’s Blog, a Perennial Boogeyman

Now, in my retirement, I am a perpetual reader. Not only of fiction, but also non-fiction, mainly books about the craft of storytelling. And there is an abundant supply of advice on how to strengthen your writing. Besides books you can touch, there are e-books, blogs, YouTube snippets and formal courses. The Teaching Company, college […]
My writings–short stories, part three.

Wer reited so spat durch Nacht und Wind? … Who rides there so late through the night, dark and drear? … Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Goethe, Der Erlkoenig. The Erlking. I remember this poem from my high school class in romantic literature. The story of a father riding horseback through the woods with his sick […]
The Polish Version of My Website is Coming.

Seems so obvious now, but it took quite a few years to crystallize. With the advent of Google Analytics, I realized my website is missing Polish readers. The English readership in my native country is getting better, but my generation prefers to speak and read Polish. So, with the help of a new technology, I’m […]
Novels or Short Stories? The Answer is – Both

The second book, “The Resurrections”, and the second story, “Kate’s Wedding”. Imagine that you have a daughter. She used to be the brightest star in your morning sky, right before the dawn. In the delivery room, you saw her first, even before your wife had a chance. You’ve sent her to the best available schools. […]