Nothing is Random

We look at the sky at night and see chaos. We drive on 405 through Los Angeles during the rush hours and see disarray. We walk into the forest, look at the trees and see discoordinated growth around a seemingly unregulated river. Scientists study the environment, trying to find out the reason why things are the way they are.

Humanity tries to make sense of nature since they discovered that they can think. The goal is to recognize the patterns and to be able to predict the future.

It reminded me of a brilliant book, “Chaos: Making a New Science” by James Gleick, which I read some twenty years ago.

Here is what I’ve learned.

Everything around us seems to be in disarray.

The Universe exists for billions of years.

The system must be working. Otherwise the entire arrangement would fall apart.

There must be an order in this all madness.

There must be a pattern.

We have to find out.

The scientists are the ones working on finding patterns, explaining the past and predicting the future.

And so are the writers.


  • Chaos theory can be used to explain complex systems such as weather, astronomy, politics, and economics . Although many complex systems appear to behave in a random manner, chaos theory shows that, in reality, there is an underlying order that is difficult to see. A person operating from the perspective of philosophy it comes down to a decision to accept a Creator with infinite wisdom or to embrace self defined measures by way of our senses as well as an active imagination. In recent history, the latter seems to be incentivized by grant monies and the perpetual desire to avoid personal responsibility for the number of days with which we have been entrusted.


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