‘Genius on the Edge’, by Gerald Imber, M.D.

I wrote about Dr. William Halsted’s life achievements, and about his vices, in the post https://witoldniesluchowski.com/how-did-a-cocaine-addict-change-surgery-in-america/. The book, Genius on the Edge, is, however, about a different aspect of his life story. It’s about how, out of nowhere, there appeared in Baltimore a medical excellence center. A world-class institution, and a hub for contemporary medical […]

Pals Forever, First Book in Trilogy of Murano Family Saga

Best Father’s Day present. Dr. Jack Murano’s sole wish was to have a happy family. But is it possible when his wife and children know nothing about the hidden past—about his father being in prison for murder? Jack Murano is forced to share his difficult history when his friend sues him for malpractice, having been […]

Best Songs for Sons and Daughters on Father’s Day, part 4

Third place. Just the two of us… by Will Smith. The rather generic song, written by William Salter, was popularized by Washington Grover. Will Smith made it into a rap, and sang about a special bond between father and son. The sacred bond. In the video, Smith takes his son to work, which is a […]

Best Songs for Sons and Daughters on Father’s Day, part 3

Second place Cat Stevens composed and recorded Fathers and Sons before he changed his name to Yusuf Islam. It’s not time to make a changeJust relax, take it easyYou’re still young, that’s your faultThere’s so much you have to knowFind a girl, settle downIf you want, you can marry… The song had many performers, and […]

Best Songs for Sons and Daughters on Father’s Day, part 2

First place ex aequo I’m gonna be like you, dad… A folk rock classic. After his son, Josh, was born, Chapin wrote the music to his wife’s poem. The singer died a few years later in a car crash, and didn’t live long enough to witness the footprint of his song. But Cat’s in the […]

Best Songs for Sons and Daughters on Father’s Day

We have two sons and twin daughters. In our family, the Father’s Day is usually quite eventful, and I pride myself on being important to them. Recently, I realized how many songs there are recognizing the unique bond between the parents and their children. The sacred bond. I have known some of them for years, […]

The First Book in the Muranos Trilogy Saga.

Start your journey this Father’s Day. This was my post from January this year. https://bit.ly/3MBgnjM Here is the follow-up. And the progress report. My writing in 2023 is taking shape. You may or may not know that I took all my already published books off the market. The Pandemics helped me reassess, redo and refine […]

How Did a Cocaine Addict Change Surgery in America

The year was 1881 and a woman bled after childbirth. The family contacted a young, 29-year-old surgeon. After deliberations, he drew blood from his own vein and transfused it to the patient. The patient recovered. German scientist Karl Landsteiner, with the help of a Polish serologist Ludwik Hirszfelt, discovered and described the ABO blood group […]